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Buy and sell a better career

This is an article by David Maida

I am only listing here the parts that I think are valid & important.

>"In this day and age a candidate really should be looking for a recruiter who's going to be pro-active for them and not just wait for job opportunities to come to them but actively work on their behalf to find them the right role."

>The individual consultant you're dealing with can have the biggest impact on your recruitment experience. Ask the right questions.

>There is no limit to the number of recruitment firms someone can enlist in their job search but there can be drawbacks for overdoing it.
"There are candidates today who are sending out their CVs to multiple agencies and sometimes for the same role or different roles and they forget the contact that they've had or which job they've applied for."

Experience the Éclat take on career management services.

If you want something, if you desire a particular company, location, designation, pay package talk to us...we customize this entire process.

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