The Tamil Nadu (TN) Tourism Department plans to provide tourist-friendly facilities along highways by establishing high-standard amenities at an interval of 50 kms. Both private and corporate promoters would be encouraged to take part in the project. Travellers would be able to access numerous facilities like restaurants, bookshop, medical shops, ATMs, and Internet cafés. Automobile servicing will also be introduced and there would be adequate parking facilities, J.V. Siva Prasanna Kumar reported in Deccan Chronicle.
According to sources, during the 2013-14 fiscal, about Rs 10.58 crore would be spent on improving basic amenities at various tourist destinations through state funds. “Annually, the Department improves facilities at temple towns and important tourist destinations with its own funds and the funds provided by the The Hindu Religious & Charitable Endowments Department,” a senior official from Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation (TTDC) said.
In addition, TTDC is concentrating on luring more visitors to its boathouses. The Ooty boathouse, for instance, which receives over 15 lakh footfall every year, is all set for further improvement at a cost of Rs 5.30 crore.