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From The Coach | 7 Ideas you can use to get back from a holiday!

7 Ideas you can use to get back from a holiday!


I have just come back from a week's holiday and have spent the whole day, missing the holiday.

Inertia has set in and I cannot seem to get started again.

So as things go with bloggers, I will blog about getting back.  Here according to me are 7 Ideas/Things you could do to get you to transition faster from the holiday mood to the work one!!

1. Have a crisis waiting for you!
This one should be simple. Instruct your not-so-fav person in the office and they will ensure one!!

2. Set up a deadline that expires within 24 hours of your getting back
simple & please, do not work on the project before leaving, that will negate the whole idea of doing this.

3. Call up everybody you know & tell them you are back
there should be atleast one person who will tell you something that either brings your spirits down, gets your worried or even worse makes you plan a counter strategy for the coming week!

4. hide the photos of the holiday
loose them for a while. I spent the entire day looking at them, and them showing them off and then looking again.

5. log in to your mailbox
WOW! a 1000 messages! Clearing spam never felt this good...

6. have all your messages/faxes/papers sent to your home
it would be nice just to spend time opening the envelops.

7. Check your stock portfolio!
a lehman here, a merrill there and you are so back! nothing gets you back as a depleted portfolio.

YOU have to take this seriously!
Every second that you spend busy or involved in something is a second you spend not thinking of the awesome holiday!

oh sh*t! There I go again, remembering the holiday. hmmm, guess there must be more Ideas.

What do you do? How do you come back? How do stop living in the dream world you inhabited & start earning your living in this one?

leave your comments.

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