From The Coach.
want to talk about ‘HOBBIES & INTERESTS’.
Its one of the few things on your resume, that you probably don’t even know! Every candidate I interview, knows where he/she was born, what they did, education, parents etc. somehow when I get to the hobbies and interests part it all seems pointless.
Most of you have that on your resume, because it came with the format you were copying . Some of you, choose to copy the interests and hobbies too!
Be honest. How many of you have one of the following in there?
Ø Reading
Ø Traveling
Ø Music
Ø Internet Browsing
If you do, you are only one of the 96% candidates out there.
Here are some rules & guidelines to help you...> Make them true
> Make them Unique
> Make them demonstrable
> Make them relatable
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