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JOBS| Oberoi OCLD Interviews

The Oberoi Centre of Learning & Development is a pioneer in Hospitality Education.

OCLD as it is popularly known, is run by the Oberoi Group and is there inhouse Management Program. OCLD pass outs become managers at the end of the two-year program in Oberoi Hotels.

OCLD offers two year gradulate diplomas in:

> Guest Services Management

> House Keeping Management

>Kitchen Management

If you are a graduate/ hotel mgt diploma holder, I strongly suggest appearing for the interviews.

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We have a quick interview with someone who worked with Oberois.
I asked him what the interview is all about & what could you do to succeed!

Read on....

Prabhjot, catches up with Divyansh Kaushik, on what it takes to get thru the Oberoi Interviews.

pb: Thank you for doing this Div. I cannot tell you the number of requests I get from people wanting to work with The Oberois. They have all heard of these 'campus legends' if I may, about how its so difficult to make it and that there are seven or more rounds. is it true?

Div: Yes, it is little tough to get thru an Oberoi interview. Number of rounds solely depends on the no. of applications received. But if one has the passion for the company and has teh right attitude, he or she can easily see thru these interviews.

pb: What would be the three things people can start doing today, if they wanted to make the cut?

Div: First one should know about the Oberoi Hotels and Resorts well. He or she should know the company's profile, its various businesses and the latest happenings in the company.
Second is going to be the technical plethora. You need to have an aptitude for the department you want to work in. The technical know -how of the area of interest is must.
Third is the general awareness and the latest happenings one needs to be intact with.
Apart from the above three, one must have a pleasing personality. excellent communication skills and good grooming standards.

pb: take me through all the rounds? what happens in each of them?

Div: Generally the first round is a Group Discussion wherein the topics generally revolve around the current happenings of world.

Second round is the personal presentation conducted by the H.R. Manager. A good personal introduction complemented with a nice professional attire is the key here.

Third round is all about the technical aspects about the concerned department as well as the other operational departments of the hotel. The panel here includes the H.O.D.

Fourth round is with the General Manager of an Oberoi Hotel. It consists of a wide range of questions from political, sports, technical and other arenas.

The above four rounds get you through OCER i.e. Oberoi Central Employment Register or precisely you become an Operations Assistant.

The next four rounds are more stern and they form part of the OCLD selection process and place you as a management trainee with Oberoi Hotels & Resorts.

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