Vice-president, ITDC, Chandni Luthra said that the show was a like a Bollywood movie and said it was difficult to create it. She said that the show was the first of its kind to be held in the country. The show has been conceived and executed by the Indian Tourism Development Corporation, and Chandigarh Industrial and tourism Development Corporation (CITCO).
The show opened with a Bhangra performance and told about the story of City Beautiful- Chandigarh, how it came into being and its history. The entry was through invitation.
Dr Naresh Gupta, who had come to see the show said,”It is an amazing piece of work. The only problem was reaching the show site as it is pitch dark from the entry and nobody knows where to go.”
Around Rs 1.61 crore had been released for the project Sound & Light show (Son et Lumiere) to be set up at Museum & Art Gallery, Sector 10, Chandigarh, by the administration.
A mural has been created on the side wall of the Spectator Gallery which conveys the essence of lifestyle of Chandigarh and depicts the vibrancy of this modern city with hills as a backdrop along with the hand symbol of Chandigarh.